I’m Chris Morancie.
Your Managing Director.

Helping Founders

As an experienced entrepreneur with a background in both business and innvoation, I am passionate about helping founders go from idea to changing the world!

I hope to make a difference by helping early-stage succeed, bolstering the communities from which they originate or reside.

My role is to help support growth and success of startups to that they can drive job creation and economic growth.

About Me

I am a seasoned entrepreneur of the startup industry with over 15 years of experience. I specialize in leveraging technology and innovation to drive positive change, creating value for business and society.

Currently, as the CEO of the LT3 Group, I help create equality in the tech-related workforce by running people accelerators through our LT3 Academy brand. We also support job creation through our Idea and Innovation Venture Development Studios and accelerators. In addition, in my role as CEO of NETSVS, I help organizations achieve operational excellence by adopting digital transformation powered by intelligent automation.


CEO, CTO & Founder
LT3 Academy
CEO & Founder
LT3 Labs
Managing Director
Idea & Innovation Factory
Managing Director
Various Organizations